We are delighted to announce Issue Six of True Insight is now available.

After recent turbulence across the globe, True Insight offers a Review of the Markets for the first quarter of 2017 to gauge how they are performing to date and two special features. The first is by Daniel Harrison, Senior Partner at True Potential. Daniel gives us his unique perspective on technology. The second is an interview with Simon Dick, our first adviser to join True Potential Wealth Management back in 2010.

This issue also introduces our new True Potential Goldman Sachs Income Builder Fund. Our fund retains a strong focus on income sustainability using Goldman’s global reach to seek attractive sources of income. Inside we provide more details about two new and attractive features of this fund – full currency hedging and a reduction in price.

In the last edition, our world map depicting key events around the world was so well received that you may be happy to hear that we have featured this again, with a closer look at Gross Domestic Product and Consumer Price Index around the world.


[button_link color=”purple” text=”Download True Insight Issue 6″ link=”https://www.tpllp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/True-Insight-Issue-6.pdf”]

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